About Us

Nice to meet you, we are Watta Industries!

We are a healthy food and beverage developing and manufacturing company. We only use natural ingredients in our products which are developed with the support of dietitians and food engineers. We believe in flavor, health and nutrition all together.


Ecologically Responsible

Our quality is over the top, but that's not all that matters! For us, crushing at the race of recycling and reforesting is our priority!


Partnership with major Brazilian beverage industries

The Brazilian Food and Beverage Industries are widely recognized for their robustness and excellence. Watta Industries is honored to be a partner and distributor of these industries brands in the global market. This collaboration ensures that global consumers can enjoy the authenticity and unparalleled quality of Brazilian products directly in their local market. Each sip is a celebration for Watta Industries.
Our structure relies on over 10 manufacturing plants from fruits farms, fruits processing, industrial machinery, logistics and recycling plants.

Directly serving over 200 points of sale in the United States

    • A sales team organized by region and sales channel.
    • Capability to develop new products.
    • Portfolio of strong brands.
    • Export projects.
    • Close relationship and deep understanding of customer needs.
    • Strong investment in Marketing.
    • Partnerships with major Brazilian brands.

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